M&A Blog by Martin Sieg: Blog articles on M&A and expert tips

The earn-out agreement in M&A deals

The earn-out agreement in M&A deals

Is it a curse or a blessing – and for whom?

The earn-out is increasingly used aspart of the closing deal in M&A transactions in the logistics industry – a blessing for sellers? After all, they retain an option right to future success factors. But is an earn-out really the better alternative to classic one-off sales of companies? What risks and problems arise from the obvious advantages – and how can they be successfully avoided? […]

Customer contact in difficult times

Customer contact in difficult times

Digital pricing as a crisis solution – and beyond

Home office, quarantine and plant closures  especially affect forwarding companies. The weak points of analogue sales are mercilessly exposed. Now is the time to digitalize rates and prices and make them available online! […]

The Local Hero Forwarder – a dying species?

The Local Hero Forwarder – a dying species?

Regional know-how and individual service as survival strategies
What benefits local freight forwarders need to take advantage of – and how they can survive.

The logistics market is increasingly determined by global logistics service providers, and the German industry giants have long since become international network forwarders as a result of acquisitions. Their service can be assembled easily through automation and standardization, is transparent, comprehensible and attractively priced for global customers. Can the local freight forwarder survive this development – and continue to counter it with genuine added customer value in the future? Absolutely. […]

How medium-sized logistics companies can benefit from the advance of Flexport & Co.

How medium-sized logistics companies can benefit from the advance of Flexport & Co.

Copying solutions while keeping an eye on your own lead

The new digital high-flyers Flexport & Co. continue to penetrate the logistics market with billions of capital. While in traditional forwarding companies real dispatchers often calculate resources, routes and prices for days by telephone, fax and tables, the business 4.0 experts have long since been offering fully digitalized services and offers: for compiling your own transports and access to real-time tracking. Can the classical logistic middle class still keep up in terms of added value for the customer, or even benefit from the new developments? Yes, it can! […]

Do I need an M&A consultant for the company sale?

Do I need an M&A consultant for the company sale?

8 good reasons why expert support pays off

Selling one’s own company is certainly never an easy decision – nor is it an easy task. This not only applies to finding a suitable buyer, but also to the preparation of all necessary facts and figures, right up to conducting negotiations. There are many good reasons for getting an experienced M&A consultant on board as an expert and supporter for the many and multifaceted steps of a company sale. […]

Checklist: Preparation for the sale of a company

Checklist: Preparation for the sale of a company

What you should consider, compile and determine beforehand

Nobody makes the decision to sell a company easy. But once it has been made, good preparation is the be-all and end-all for an efficient sales process within a time frame that is as predictable as possible – and also for the ultimate sales success. There are four decisive points that help to assess the preparation effort and to structure it sensibly. […]

Which deal is the right one for an M&A deal?

Which deal is the right one for an M&A deal?

A comparison of the most common closing options

Even the best matchmaking in the M&A process does not prevent sellers and buyers from having different views about what the “perfect deal” is. There is no such thing as a perfect deal: if only because there is a great variety of forms for the final deal – often with very abstract terms that are hardly self-explanatory for the medium-sized entrepreneur. Which deal is the most suitable for the individual sale of a company must be clarified in each of the contracting parties with the help of an experienced M&A strategist right at the beginning of the negotiations. […]

About the author Martin Sieg

During his long career with logistics companies such as Hapag LLoyd, Bolloré Logistics and Rhenus Logistics and as a freelance expert for Mergers & Acquisitions and long-term partner of WCL- WORLDWIDE CONSULTANTS IN LOGISTICS GMBH, Martin Sieg has gained a wealth of experience and sound expertise: on the logistics market in general and on the requirements of medium-sized companies in particular. As a blog author, he is not only an observer and advisor, but above all an open dialogue and contact person for medium-sized entrepreneurs. So Martin Sieg is always looking forward to personal exchange and your questions.